Of all the people in the world,i never thought my mother would actually cover as a pretty good BFF(Best Friend Forever)....ok, so the mood was pitch black:my best friend had canceled on me,after weeks of detailed planning for a food tasting spree(Little Italy or Amore ice creams or Bowl o' China)...!
Amma graciously offered to fill in as gal pal 4 the day,and out of sheer boredom,coupled with an unnatural rush of gratitude ,i agreed!
I dreaded this outing because i was well familiar with the routine....the evening would begin on a high note,descend into a mid range pitch,and hit flat bottom soon...with Amma lapsing into frequent rapid fire Q&A sessions about my homework,tests,room cleaning ,application form posting schedules ....but boy,was i in for a surprise....
We went to Hyderabad Central first,where we caught the matinee of Taare Zameen Par and successfully exhausted our tear duct reserves...Then we lunched at Noodle Bar ,where Amma was even brave enough to sample a weird looking seaweed green sauce!
Dur.ing a rather languid hour of window shopping,Amma and me tried playing word association,with some hilarious results!
Me:Sound (thinking of Julie Andrews from Sound Of Music )
Mom:Vessels(thinking of our extremely noisy maid )
Me:Shopping(zooming off to Hogwarts with visions of luxurious eagle feather quills )
Mom:Refills (can't blame her really....it always is on the weekly bazaar list...i manage to lose stationery extraordinarily efficiently!)
But what I really loved was...
Me:star (thinking SRK)
Mom:SRK(also thinking SRK!)
P.S:Amma ,thanks for the srk fan genes!
As we winded our way back home,we gleefully chortled at some of the callers on a radio talk show.Amma played entertainer and regaled me with tales of her school days and of annual day plays she'd been in .It felt truly rejuvenating talking to someone who knew to enquire about your life with words other than "ssup?"
Well,I don't have enough words to describe it ....An air of joie de vivre marked that day.
Someone said : "Friends are God's way of making up for family".
Are you sure it isn't the other way round?
Viral post
5 years ago