After many years,well,months,more likely,my cousin ,Aparna ,came visiting.
It was right after the first exam of a particularly scary test series,and i was overjoyed!What better way to unwind than with an enthusiastic lil sis who has the same taste as you?
That one week was like a huuuuuuuuuuge slumber party!Everyday,i came home at noon from college,bolted down my lunch and got ready to partay...
My humble room,with its eclectic cozy cushions and its ever beckoning endeariness served as the perfect backdrop for our shenangians!And for some reason,Dard-e- disco(yes,the same noisy,six pack thang)became our anthem.And boy,was it perfect!
I've always wanted to ,what's the phrase,"hang with a gal pal", and do all the stuff that happens in Princess Diaries...nd sixteen years of wishful thinking finally paid off!
We ate out every other night,laughed ourself silly at almost every Disney animation flick,and scared every inmate of the house with our karaoke sessions(hey, i didn't say i sing well! ).
I blissfully neglected my homework and study sessions that week.I'd somehow lost the key to reality,and i was happy lost in a maze of adventure.
Now ,i find i've been thrown rather unceremoniously across the hedges,right back into REAL LIFE.baah...
Still ,i've no complaints coz ...someone once said..
"One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name."
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5 years ago
1 insights:
Good post.
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