Well,i am not going to say much because my head is already sore from thinking about this...it was just a squabble with a friend that set me thinking. I remember the good old days when i was in third grade( im referring to the good old times before cartoon network didnt become a giant advertisement board)...and i used to watch "The Mask" series.... perhaps the reason why it appealed to me was because of its sheer contrast to reality...an unreal setting with unreal ideas about metamorphosing into someone else........ and I adored it as much as my older cousins scorned it. But after eleven,when my range of focus finally shifted away from cartoon network , i began to wonder why more people could'nt identify with this series... seeing that they themselves emulated the core concept of "the mask" quite often.I mean ,they do have an array of identities that are on display at the workplace,the house,the clubhouse and so on...............
The more i thought about it, the surer i was of the fact...the reason why most adults don't enjoy cartoons isn't because they dont have anything in common with these bizarre characters..it's because they have much too much in common.Instead of growing saner and more resigned to accepting reality,adults find it tougher to adjust to change, harder to admit they're wrong, and herculean to manage their tempers. When they watch cartoons, with sinking dismay and grudging acceptance, they recognize that part of them that just wants to say"Nanananananaaaaaaaaaaaah!"So...excuse me if i sound like the little prince from the asteroid,but really ,what's your take?
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5 years ago
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