Sunday, 3 June 2007

Of colours and chameleons ...

I'm back refreshed!I spent a lovely weekend with my family in the beaches of Puri and the metros of Kolkata ,and i'm raring to get back into gear!!!
Iwas staying at this lovely little cottage in Puri,and one wet morning,i noticed a tiny chameleon right on the window ledge...true to its fame,ithad turned a grainy pebbly brown , and sat in wait of...its morning meal,probably.That's what i was doing too,and so...i didnt give much thought to it and hit room service on the dialing pad!!!
After a mouthwatering breakfast and a languid lunch,i noticed this chameleon had set up camp in the lawn .Dwarfed by the tall blades of grass,it lurked unnoticed in the dewy sea of green...and i probably wouldnt have noticed it if i hadn't been looking for it ,subconsciously .
The shadows lengthened ,and soon it was evening.In true beach parlance,our little friend was dressed in the fiery red of sea- corals ,enjoying a siesta on the rocks.

It's funny how i thought to myself"Here I am,quite caught up in the devilishly wonderful ability of being able to blend into your surroundings,why im kinda chameleonish myself."

I'l admit,i'm pretty anthrophobic.I'm scared of people's opinions of me ,my ideas and anything remotely connected with me,my ideas.....So i tend to adapt or change myself into what the people around me percieve me to be.That 's quite a ludicrous loop i've got going there,coz how will people ever percieve me to be anything at all,if i decide to be something only based on their percievings...but well,that's how it is with me.

So I see myself shrinking from taking out my workbook and doing some li'l sum when all around,my classmates are busy comparing their Louis Vuittons...and i feel very conspicuous when i'm stuck wearing some cargoes and a tee,clutching an ipod in one hand,and a group of of my friends comes back from the temple,asking me why i didn't get up early enough to go pray with them...

I guess, im scared ,like my little friend .I'm scared that the minute I decide to be different,I will be preyed on -preyed on by the little circle of people that i know and,apparently,*understand *.
That's why I've trained myself in camouflage...I would love to be one of those humans with an unwavering sense of self confidence,and a non-erasable streak of courage...
Well,i'm running out of time now,i'l probably want to sleep on this,and ponder over it the next time i unlock Blogger....

That's what I should do.....isn't it?
*sighs in doubt*

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