I've been wondering, ever since I got to know that I passed my 11th boards ,about leavin for college next year.....COLLEGE ...I can almost see an arrow pointing towards that coveted destination..where dreams come true,when you are finally in the "real" world(whts up wid dat real stuff anyway???),when you are able to translate every hazy idea that ever resided in the recesses of your mind-into concrete action,when you are matured enough to know that friendship need not necessarily follow the idylllic Californian style (read THE OC ...;) ..),
when the zones of education,interaction,innovation,discussion,fun,leisure,activity and inspiration fuse together like a musical masterpiece!!!
Is leavin home going to be as easy as dreaming about college,though?A well rehearsed "NO "
forms in my brain,,,ok,let's be adventurous and say it will be easy..coz you'll just be swept away in that tide of change....but what happens when the dust settles ?When fresher parties come to an end,when hostel life nightmares take center stage, and when the glow of independence dims in view of the security you had at home?And i'm not talking about padlocked doors here...but about knowing that help is just two three letter words away (MOM ...DAD)...Don't get me wrong ...it's not a rhetorical statement,i know tons of young people who are strong enough to deal with all this and more....my question is :How do you know if YOU are of that type?
It's during such troubled times that I fondly wish that Madam Trelawney were for real...what wouldn't i give to cut across the threshold between the present and the future,watch the future me unravel,and get back in good time to make decisions to that effect?If you think about it,that might almost definitely guarantee you a perfect life....and as far as I know ,not even EBAY has got deals like that!!!
So I'm trying to devise an alternative formula...I'm going to work hard in the subjects I've got a n apitiude for,prepare myself this year for a latchkey life ,apply for possible colleges and contentedly graduate in the one that will accept me,without seeking solace from 101 different counselling sessions from the people around me ...believe me ,the less you obsess,the more the probability of your obsession coming true!!!
I know it sounds like i'm giving up,but it's not .It's a theory that's simple and that's bound to work for me ,and the reason i know it will work is that it's simple and straight from the heart.
What is happiness really?
It's pure ,untainted contentment ...
sounds pretty simple doesn't it???
Viral post
5 years ago
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